Hans-Joachim Hespos

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Chamber music

  • Endogen
    String trio, 1967

  • Splash
    Double bass and percussion, 1969

  • Palimpsest
    Voice and percussion, 1970

  • Zeitschnitte
    String trio, 1970
    link:externmovie at YouTube

  • Fahl-Brüchig
    Piccolo heckelphone, basset horn, cello, 1971

  • Profile
    Wind quintet, 1972

  • Koss
    Brass quintet, 1980

  • Ilomba
    Bass, double bass, sub-bass, 1980

  • Tekum
    6 percussionists, 1981

  • Prestunissimo
    Viola, cello, double bass, 1981

  • Tja
    2 pianos, 1981

  • nove
    (Arie der Virginia)
    Soprano and piano, 1983

  • Contrabass flute and basset horn, 1983

  • Poogri-Blues
    Tuba and double bass, 1984

  • Tagal
    Voice, clarinet, viola, cello, double bass, 2 percussionists, 1984

  • Ganifita-Blues
    Percussion, double bass, tuba, musical saw, ondes Martenot, 1984

  • Zerango
    Bayan, violin, cello, 1985
    link:externmovie at YouTube

  • Cru
    Female voice and snare drum (with snares on), 1985

  • Ruhil
    Cornet, tenor tuba, bass trombone, 1985
    link:externmovie at YouTube

  • HM
    2 pianists and percussionists, 1 lighting technician, 1987

  • x i n a
    3 performance artists (and director), 1987

  • Malika
    Simple scenes for 2 flautists, 1987

  • Omziff
    3 different Businen (This work has no score), 1989

  • HOPSzweisätzig
    2 executors (flute, percussion), 1990

  • Spilak
    3 Businen (This work has no score), 1991

    Piano (not a grand) and Jew's harp, 1992

  • p i a l
    Accordion and piano, 1994
    link:externmovie at YouTube

  • MusikBoxen
    For 5 musicians (flute, clarinet, guitar, percussion, cello) in a container box, bass flute, plastic clarinet in B/girnata (Turkish metal clarinet in G), guitar (2 unusual types), percussion (different pipes/vessel drums)/UFIP-tam-tam, devil's violin, tape, 1995

  • duOH
    2 pianos, 1995

  • li-lá
    2 alto horns, 1996

  • Gallimak
    Soprano and oboe (also sopranino saxophone), as well as alto and English horn, 1998

  • ÜberRasch
    2 flautists, 1998

    Conductor and improvisational baritone saxophone, 2000

  • kaleidoskopes luftsilber
    spirits to accordion, electric bass (fretless) and electroacoustic distortion, 2001
    link:externmovie at YouTube

    electrified accordion, electric bass (fretless) and electroacoustic distortion, diffused by eight channels, 2002
    Listen to MP3-File (Interzone perceptible)
    link:externmovie at YouTube

    four and more historical organs, helium-organ (also solo), with/out Vogelfrau-voice and bang-battens, 2002

    E-guitar, tape, 2003
    link:externmovie at YouTube

  • chillidas
    6 trombones: sopran, alt, 2 tenor, tenorbass, bassdoublebass (modell kunitz), 2006

  • G U L - gespiegelte Lieder vor dem Hintergrund orientaler Lyrik -
    Salterio/Cimbalom, Harfe, Pianoforte, 2009

  • klac
    cut dance for two step dancers, 2009

  • aeri
    sound scene for 2 violins (and a trace for a dancer), 2012

  • QeNG
    recorder quartet, 2013

  • dissipative gesänge
    for barock/oboe d'amore in A and musical saw, 2016

  • weißschatten
    pianoforte and soprano, 2017

    violent music scene for soprano and piano, 2018

  • à cinq
    facets for bass clarinet and catabile piatti (4 perc.), 2019

  • aglaja
    2 violins, 2019

  • Yapa
    soprano, pianoforte, 2019

  • Splitter, Gesangszene
    soprano, mezzosoprano, celesta, saugluft-harmonium, 2021

  • Umfleitjes
    organ, piccolo- and double bass flute, 2022

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