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Complete work (engl.)
- Ohrenatmer
A Scenic Event
Mezzo-soprano, clarinet/sax, double bass, a mime, 1981 - Seiltanz
Scenic Adventure
Special ensemble: sax, clarinet, trumpet, 2 trombones, percussionist, double bass, actor, conductor, 1982 - mini mal !
A woman, 1982 - Ankle Beat
Anyone, 1982 - CLAY-man's-VERT
A free-air action
Any large number of musicians, voices, dancers, as well as coordinators, four conductors, a light artist, a director, 1986 - Man/Scafala
For musical full-figured person and ara-steel plates, 1987 - LUFFIO
Accordion, clarinet/tárogató/sax, cimbasso/contrabass tuba, double bass, voice/moving actor, stage work, voice/moving actor/conductor, lighting team, 1988 - Striggles
For some 30 different actors/actresses, 1988 - Fulaar
Things in a room, 1989 - Black Beauty
Snare drum (with snares on), actress with cross-fantasy, - coq dream/dancer/craziness, worker, a man for various tasks: opportunity piano, Klüpfel, light technician, lighting assistant, 1993 - FOYER
Prelude to Black Beauty
Event Scenes live with tape, video, film, slides, etc. (ready-mades + 5 performers), 1994 - p A p
Thermodynamic Ritual
Motor block, oboe/also English horn, bassoon/also contrabassoon, double bass, piano, manager/conductor, 3-4 actors/actresses, a worker, 1994 - Eine ganz andere Geschichte
For first-grade schoolchildren, 1995 - O p !
Celebratory video scene with viola, percussionists and tape, 1996 - p a s s o
March to the Stars in 3 Acts and Finale Pipes, humming choir, sax, drums, percussion and clarinet, trumpets, trombone, electric guitars, click metal, 1999 - FRAME
concept, 2003 - p h á l a g x
große balkonSzene PP4 außen/innen für gaukler, musikanten, artisten
Oboe in hoch f, Englischhorn, es-Clarinet, Tárogató, Contrabaßsarrusophon - Horn,
Trumpet in C/ d-Trumpet, Tenortrombone, Tenorbasstrombone, Tuba/Kontrabaßsousaphon
2 female Voices, Fender-Rhodes Piano/ , E-Baß - 6 Percussion, ElectroAkustik, "anjol"-Conductor, Group of artists, 2007
musikalische kammerszenein chaotischen episoden für 4 personen, 2013
clash rehearsal:movie at YouTube
clash concert:movie at YouTube
- tanzgesänge K
dancer, electroacoustic, 2015