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Complete work (engl.)
Choral works
Choir a cappella, 1987 - decay
...Pendelmesse - Lichtraum-Szene
For vv (21-member mixed speaking-breathing choir) and multimusicians (3 clarinettists, sax, hn, tpt, tba, 2 percussionists), 1987-89 - sla
Mixed choir a cappella, 1989 - GELEUT
Mixed choir a cappella, 1994 - 6 2 5
City cantata for vv, pipes and metal cl, a/t sax, hns, tpts, tbs, tba, 3 percussionists on 5 Ara special steel plates, large youth choir, 1995 - j o i e
For youth choir a cappella and two timpanists: low D-timp and small concert timp, 1996 - còrogrammi
Mixed choirs, 1998-2000 - schry
Choir a cappella (3,3,3,3 and more), 1999 - OLAX eine kür für neue vocalsolisten stuttgart
Sopran, Mezzo, Altus, Tenor, Bariton, Bass, 2004 - coriAnder
liederliches for women´s chorus, 2006/7 - QUIXX
mixed double choir, 2010
movie at YouTube
- KAPS achtstimmig disparates assemblée
2 sopran, mezzosopran, alt, altus, baß, gelegenheitsdirigent, 2011
movie at YouTube
- CORA … die zarte
mixed choir a cappella, 2013 - PERIPH
two songs for vocal ensemble, 2018