Hans-Joachim Hespos

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Ensemble works

  • Keime und Male
    Picc, fl, Eb-cl/also A-cl, a sax, hn, guit, vn, vc, db, 3 perc, 1965

  • Einander - Bedingendes
    Fl, Bb-cl/also high Ab-cl and Eb-cl, guit, t sax, va, 1966

  • Frottages
    A sax, mand, hp, vc, 4 perc, 1967

  • Break
    For a pianist and orch group, 1968

  • Dschen das Erregende ist wie eine offene Schale
    T/bar sax and str orch, 1968
    link:externmovie at YouTube

  • Passagen
    A-cl/also C-cl and Eb-cl, a sax, C-tpt/also D-tpt and Flügelhorn, t-b tb, va, db, 4 perc, 1969

  • Druckspuren ... geschattet
    Bb-cl/also Eb-cl, a sax, bn, D-tpt, Flügelhorn, tb, db, 1970

  • en - kin das fern-nahe
    Bb-cl, s sax, bn, Flügelhorn, db, 1970

  • point
    Bb-cl, a tb, vc, pf, 1971

  • Scappa
    Fl, ob, Bb-cl, b cl, hn, tb, cel, glock, crot, xylorimba, 2 vn, va, vc, db, 1974

  • Tetok
    Ob, sopranino sax, tárogató, cb sarrusophone, Flügelhorn, b tpt, a tb, hn tba, tba, 4 perc, 1977

  • go
    Ob/also s sarrusophone, Eng hn/also heckelphone, bn/also cbn, high A-cl/also basset hn and cb sarrusophone, tárogató/also b cl, Eb-cl/also C-cl and Bb-cl, a tb, tba, pf, 1978
    link:externmovie at YouTube

  • Break, 2. Fassung
    Ob, t sax/also bar sax, high B-tpt, D-tpt, C-tpt, Flügelhorn, tb, pf, vc, db, 4 perc, 1978

  • Passagen, 2. Fassung
    Eb-cl/also C-cl, A-cl, D-tpt/also C-tpt, Flügelhorn, tb, va, db, 3 perc, 1979

  • Gelb
    For 8 clarinettists, 1979

  • Conga
    T sax, quinto/conga, 2 vn, 2 va, 2 vc, 1 db, 1979

  • dlja ...
    Bb-cl, a sax, Flügelhorn, flugabone, b tb, 1981

  • esquisses itinéraires
    Fl, cl, hn, vn, vc, pf, 1984

  • donaia
    Sprechstimme, Mitail, ob, basset hn, Eb-picc cornet, vc, b drum, 1986

  • VlF-bi
    Fl/also picc, ob/also Eng hn, Eb-cl/also high Ab-cl, b cl, cbn, hn, B-tpt, Flügelhorn, t-b tb, pf, 2 vn, vc, db, percussionist with rubber timp and hemp rope, a newspaper-reading man, a lighting technician, 2 slats, 1987

  • UPEX ein aperçus
    C-cl, t-b tb, vc, pf, shrieking laugh, cond, 1988

  • bi 7 ŕ trois
    Ob, Bb-cl, bar sax, C-tpt, t-b tb, db, 1 timp/b drum, 1988

  • ifi
    (Unklänge for ensemble)
    B fl, basset hn/also b cl, Spanish guit, Neapolitan mand, Greek hp, va, db, perc, step dancer, 1990

  • spink
    Dark scene for nonet (heckelphone, cb sarrusophone, b cl, hn/F-tuba, b sax, cimbasso, sousaphone, db), videos, grand pf, and timp, 1993

  • d i t
    Picc, sub-b rec, s sax, b cl, B-tpt, t-b tb, Spanish guit, hp, acc, pf, large D-timp, large UFIP-tam-tam, 1995

  • Hystérie de silence
    Soprano, solo vc, grand pf, 2 actors, str orch, 1995

  • Kammerszene - m i r l i
    Picc/a fl, Eb and cb cl, vn, vc, pf, snare drum, cond, 2 vv (female/male), 1995

  • l a c o -Surreale Szene (simultanes Irren)
    Soprano, madrigal singers (2 S, high A), Fluctuating ensemble: picc/fl, ob/Eng hn, Eb-cl/Bb-cl, bn/cbn, hn, t tb, vc, db, timp (large in D, active-small in c), 1997

  • Bigu
    For Ensemble "Zeitkratzer" Berlin, 1998

    For vv and ensemble with cond V, mezzo, cl, (c)bn, hn, a tb, perc, 2000

  • Ballati
    Singing v and accompanying ensemble (cl, t tb, va, db, talking drum/large D-timp) and scene-specific conds, 1999

    Birthday stage music for the 12 cellists of the Berliner Phiharmoniker, 2001

  • SETA
    Flute (also piccolo), oboe (also English horn), Eb-and A-clarinet, bass-clarinet, bassoon, 2 horns, Flügelhorn (also C-trumpet), 2 vn, va, vc, cb, 2002

  • brans
    jaulke (ulrike brenning), maul-ketten-mann (mateng pollkläsener), hoher tenor/tiefer baß (graham f.valentine), harfe (eva pressl), schlagzeugender (ulrik spies), tape (e-studio der AdK berlin), 2005

    für den sopran yuko kakuta und das ensemble Interzone perceptible (elektrifiziertes akkordeon, e-baß fretless) und elektroAkustische wandler, 2005

  • s e i d e
    sinfonietta: 1,1,2,1 – 2,1,0,0 – bass drum – 1,1,1,1,1, 2006

  • prigaSchall
    offene prospektszene für solovioline und ascolta-ensemble:
    Timpani, E-bass, Percussion, Violoncello, Trumpet in c, Tenorbass Trombone, Pianoforte, 2007

    bassbariton, Fl, Tárogató, Cymbalom, Hp,Db, Perc, 2008

  • ..zitate..
    tuschelszene für fünf vocalsolisten, 2009

  • baff
    baß flute, kontrabass clarinet, tar, keyboard, violin, violoncello, 2009

  • soli (stimmen+gesten)
    krasse szene für singende und agierende weiber voller couleur
    different sopranos, mezzi, (contra-)alti and typs from different ages, 2009

  • bing
    for 1-4 und more sopranos, 2009

  • PSI
    Tenortrombone, Pianoforte, c-Trumpet, Violoncello, Mandoline/E-bass, Percussion,
    D-Timpani/Tar, 2010
    link:externmovie at YouTube

  • kaps
    achtstimmig disparates assemblée
    2 Soprano, Mezzosoprano, Alt, Altus, Tenor, Baritone, Bass, 2011
    link:externmovie at YouTube

  • dat
    accordion, guitar, double bass, 2011

  • CON – fetti
    sopran, junge störlichttechnikerin, mobiler coachdirigent Fl(Picc), Ob(Eh), Cl in E flat, Bcl, Altosax, Bn, Cfg – 2 Hrn, c-Tp, Tb-Tbn, Tba - Hp, Pno – Timp in D, Snare Drum, Bass Drum - 2 Vl, Va, Vc, Cb, 2013

  • SPÓK tango fluid für ascolta
    Trp,Tbtrombone, Mand/Guit, Vc, Pno, Timp, Perc, 2014

  • RIPS for crying, advanced over-the-fence-jumpers crossing silences
    hammond organ, e-bass, percussion, 2017

  • Mias
    clarinet in e-flat and big tam tam, 2020

  • PoÄm, klangszene for 7 vocal soloists
    high soprano, lyric soprano, altus, tenor, bariton, deep bass, 2020

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